Dr. Esteve Darwich Soliva


Dr. Esteve Darwich Soliva graduated in medicine from Autonoma University of Barcelona with the extraordinary award of the Bachelor degree in 2004. He was the best doctor in the MIR oppositions of the year 2005 out of 10,000 opponents. Then he trained as a specialist in Medical Surgical Dermatology and Venereology at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, obtaining the prize Emili Letang.

He is responsible for both the Unit of early diagnosis of skin cancer, and the unit of hyperhidrosis at Epidermos BCN.

Conducts research projects on Porphyrias with the University of Barcelona and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

Member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and the Academy of medical sciences of Catalonia and Balearic Islands.

He has attended numerous courses and congresses, both national and international, exposing his own research work, which would be later published in scientific journals from different countries.

For an updated résumé, and more information related to the career of Dr. Esteve Darwich, access his Linkedin Linkedin profile.