Dr. David Romero Riu

Dermatologist and Plastic Surgeon

Dr. David Romero Riu graduated in medicine and surgery from Autonoma University of Barcelona with the extraodinary degree award in 2000. He was ranked 10th best student out of 10,000 at MIR in 2002. Later he was trained as a specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, and dermatology medical-surgical and Venereology at Clinic Hospital of Barcelona.

He is in charge of Aesthetic Surgery, Dermaesthetics and Skin Cancer Units at Epidermos BCN.

Dr. Romero is the only MIR specialist in plastic, aesthetic, reconstructive and medical-surgical dermatology in Catalonia, providing to Epidermos BCN patients the best care with a high degree of specialization service.

He has conducted many research projects in Stem Cells (FIS No. 08/0285 ) with the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.

Member of the CPM Foundatio, is a Spanish non-profit organization, whose objective is to provide voluntary reconstructive surgery services and related specialities to children and adults in developing countries, specially in West Africa.

Professor of plastic surgery at Barcelona University, and Monterrey University (Mexico). He has exposed and published his reasearch work at numerous courses, congresses and journals, both national and international.
